I love under eye masks and have been using them for years but eventually stopped due to all the chemicals and toxins that are added to them. I have found that there is always a more natural way to achieve what you want, and often it is easier for me to make it myself! I came up with a fun, easy recipe for an under eye mask, that yes makes you look like you have green beans under you eyes but works and has quickly become a favorite of mine! 


Let's first discuss the ingredients, why I chose them and how they are benefiting you and your eyes! Parsley, Cucumber, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, Rose or Mineral Water and essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender and/or Roman Chamomile. 

Parsley: Parsley leaves can assist with ridding you of eye bags, puffiness, dark spots and under eye circles! It has skin lightening properties from the vitamin C, chlorophyll and vitamin K, these also help to diminish age spots and reduce puffiness. 

Cucumber: One of the oldest tricks in the book for a reason! The flesh of the cucumber is mostly water, but it also contains ascorbic acid which is vitamin C as well as caffeic acid. These both assist in reducing swelling and preventing water retention. 

Aloe Vera: If we are reducing puffiness and dark circles why not eliminate some wrinkles while we are at it? Aloe is a great way to reduce fine lines around the eye with its ability to help maintain and stimulate collagen of the skin as well as It is a great moisturizer. 



Witch Hazel: Witch Hazel has a strong anti-inflammatory agent deriving from chrysin. This is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that helps to shrink and contracts the blood vessels around your eyes. 

Rose or Mineral Water: I needed some sort of liquid to blend everything together, if you don't have either of these just use purified water. Rose water and Mineral water both help with any skin irritations as well as again some anti-inflammatory agents. 

Essential Oils*: 

- Frankincense:  Frankincense it known to be a great addition to any skin care routine with its anti-aging benefits. This will help with those fine lines and wrinkles. This is yet another ingredient that helps relieve swelling, which often times is the cause of dark circles. 

- Lavender: Lavender has soothing and calming properties as well as it contains diuretic properties, which help to drain out any excess fluid from under your eyes which could be resulting is swelling. Plus it smells AMAZING! 

-Roman Chamomile: Another great anti-inflammatory to help reduce puffiness and as the scent helps to sooth and calm like lavender. 

* Not all essential oils are created equal by any means. If your eye mask is not working as well as you hoped it probably is coming down to the quality of ingredients you are using. Unfortunately many oils even found at your local health food store are not as pure as they say. I will probably do a post later on this but feel free to ask me more on this as I have done YEARS of research. 


1/4 Cup Parsley

1/2 Cucumber

1 TBS Rose hip Oil

2 TBS Aloe Vera

 2 TBS Witch Hazel

 1/4 Cup Rose or Mineral Water

3 drops each essential oils: Frankincense, Lavender and/or Roman Chamomile. 

5 Cotton rounds

1 Small container or ziplock bag



1.) Prep all the ingredients, washing the parsley and cucumber. Cutting your cotton rounds and measuring out ingredients. 

2.) Blend the Parsley, Cucumber, Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, and Rose or Mineral Water.

3.) You can strain or leave it as is, I have done both. It looks  strange unstrained but you are getting more of the parsley pieces which can be even more beneficial. 

4.) Stir in essential oils. 

5.) Pour eye "serum" over the cut cotton rounds.

6.) Leave finished eye mask in refrigerator!! This allows the mask to last much longer (about a week essential oils help preserve) as well as the cooling sensation adds even more benefits. 

I found that there were SOME immediate results especially since I keep this is the fridge so the puffiness goes away within minutes, but use 3-5 times a week and you will really start to notice a difference! If you have dark circles from food allergies this can definitely assist in reducing them but the only real way to get those gone is to cut out the real cause! 

Hope you enjoy as much as I have! Comment any questions below!

xx nichole 

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