Over the next week, I’m going to do a little series on my favorite uses for activated charcoal! Activated charcoal has become fairly popular as of late in many beauty products for its ability to absorb toxins, dirt, shrink pores, treat acne, brighten and smooth skin, sooth cuts, bites, and other skin irritations. Since there are some great benefits of activated charcoal, I decided to give it a shot in my beauty routine! 

I do not have acne or oily skin but I do like to do a deep cleansing face mask every few weeks. For my mask I used these ingredients: activated charcoal, aloe vera, and lavender essential oil. If you have oily skin I would suggest using tea tree oil instead of lavender. There are other variations in which you use clay but since I don't have oily skin I decided to use aloe vera since it soothes and hydrates. I used Swanson brand for the activated charcoal since this is a brand that I trust, but any activated charcoal capsules will work. 

To make this mask it is very simple and pretty fun! I began by breaking open 3 capsules of activated charcoal in a small bowl. Be aware this can get pretty messy, so I would suggest keeping a damp towel near by. I then added a small amount of aloe vera (size of a nickel) and 2-3 drops of lavender (or tea tree) oil. I used a foundation brush, which I suggest is used to stir and then brush the mask onto your face. Brush evenly over face and neck if you wish, then wait for the mask to dry, after 5-15 minutes wash mask off and pat face dry.

I use a hydrating face mask after to ensure my skin does not get too dried out. I highly suggest any of the masks from the Faceshop, which you can purchase from amazon (link below) or directly from their site. Overall I love using activated charcoal for a great deep facial cleanser! I am excited to see if I notice any difference in my skin with long term use.